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Wildfire Disclosure Report

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Wildfire Disclosure Report and Onsite Inspection

FortressFire empowers REALTORS® and their clients with two solutions to understand and address wildfire risk.

The Wildfire Disclosure Report (WFDR) uses satellite imagery, AI, and advanced physics models to identify property-specific vulnerabilities and provide mitigation steps to protect the home, aligned with AB 38 regulations. It delivers a precise view of the property and the wildfire hazard, along with insights for how to comply with wildfire statutes and how to protect the home.

Product Screenshot

Go beyond hazard classification to a Vulnerability Score that predicts how a structure would ignite in a wildfire:

  • Convective Heat – flame touch
  • Radiant Heat – heat energy
  • Ember Entry – through wall vents
  • Ember Accumulation – on roof and gutters
  • Structure to Structure

The FortressFire Onsite Inspection extends the aerial risk assessment of the WFDR to define a property’s characteristics and condition as they relate to wildfire vulnerability, regulatory compliance, and insurance standards. The property’s condition is evaluated against IBHS standards to present objective documentation of the property’s condition. We also recommend and provide pricing quotes for specific mitigation actions necessary to meet those standards.


Get the objective data, documentation, and insights needed to protect and insure properties:

  • Ground Risk Report – Itemizes wildfire exposure and vulnerability score based on the onsite inspection of the structure, surrounding fuels, and condition.
  • Ground Inspection Report – Inventories wildfire-related data elements of the property, including the structure, trees, and defensible space zones.
  • Service Quote – Presents required mitigation actions and pricing ready to be contracted or self-performed, along with recommended protection plans.
  • IBHS Checklist (future) – Highlights the property’s compliance against IBHS Wildfire Prepared Home standards, reflecting an insurance underwriter’s perspective on the insurability of the property.


Clear a Path to a Safer, More Insurable Home

Armed with either a WFDR or an Onsite Inspection, real estate professionals and their clients can make well-informed decisions regarding property transactions, compliance with wildfire regulations, and securing insurance coverage.Onsite Inspections can be ordered from FortressFire directly here.

Unsure if an Onsite Inspection is needed? FortressFire offers a credit of the WFDR cost toward your Onsite Inspection.





For more information on fire insurance and how you can further help your clients, please visit our C.A.R. Fire Insurance resource page.

The Wildfire Disclosure Report may be ordered from any of the following Authorized Distributors (more coming soon). The WFDR may be ordered independently or as an add-on to the NHD Report:


HomeGuard Incorporated


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Support: (408) 809-3511



WFDR Aerial Report Customer

“The report was comprehensive and well-designed. We addressed the readily fixable vulnerabilities and are now evaluating additional options such as rooftop sprinklers.”

- Duncan, Ventura County

Onsite Inspection Customer

“Your guys are experts. They walked us through the reports, step by step. We appreciated your flexibility in helping us find the right mitigation resources and coordinating with our insurance broker. I can’t say enough good things about the team. We didn’t have a solution before, and now I can breathe a huge sigh of relief.”

- Marina, Santa Barbara County

Visit our website FortressFire.com or reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.

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